Competent and reliable

Play it safe with us

The topic of safety is becoming increasingly important in companies. Regardless of whether they are individual or large companies, all employers have the task of creating a safe working environment for their employees.

Where do we support you?

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Occupational safety and Health protection

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Occupational safety and Health protection
In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as an employer you are obliged to involve occupational safety specialists in your company's safety work in an advisory capacity. The aim is to protect your employees from noise, pathogens, hazardous substances and psychological stress. As trained specialists, we are happy to take on this task and support you in complying with legal regulations with the help of our software.
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Plant safety
We develop risk assessments for you that prevent incidents with an impact on the health of employees, the environment or your company. With The Easy One, we not only record all possible danger zones in your system, but also create a risk analysis with adequate state-of-the-art protective measures.
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Fire protection
We are surrounded by fire hazards in different situations - even in companies. Employers are therefore required to take preventive measures to protect their employees. We work with you to develop measures that regulate firefighting, evacuation and first aid in the event of an emergency and help to equip your business premises and draw up operating instructions.
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Data protection
Processing of personal data, protection of fundamental rights and freedoms - this is just one part of the complex GDPR. We deal extensively with these issues and offer you comprehensive support from consulting to training your employees.
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Quality management
The focus is always on your customers. The quality of your portfolio therefore plays a major role in their satisfaction and loyalty. We work with you to define the parameters that reflect the needs of your stakeholders. To this end, we work with you to develop measures for planning and optimizing your processes in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001.
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Business Continuity Management
We illuminate your business processes - among other things, we use our own software solution for this. We identify areas of the company that could harbor risks and develop strategies to prevent serious damage.
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Security services
Do you need property protection for your company? We develop an individual security concept for you, identify possible weak points and offer comprehensive solutions - from structural to technical and organizational planning.
Are you looking for an occupational safety specialist?
We are experts in occupational health and safety and are happy to take on these tasks for you on an interim basis.
Contact us

Your advantages

Everything from a single source

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You receive comprehensive advice from us on all topics and do not need your own software for inspections and their documentation.

Years of expertise

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You benefit from comprehensive know-how from over 25 years of experience in the security industry.

Comprehensive know-how

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Using our expertise and experience, we actively promote a solution-oriented approach to the project.

Higher project utilization

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Our consultants can complement each other seamlessly at any time in order to realize your project proactively and on time.

Secure infrastructure for data exchange

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Our data is stored on a GDPR-compliant server so that your sensitive data is always optimally protected.

Seamless communication between the consultants

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Sophisticated project documentation and professional project management ensure that the consultants can support or replace each other.
Do you have any questions? We are always there for you.
Contact us